
Posts Tagged ‘Car’

Thank you Mr. Tea-leaf.

Thank you.

Thank you for walking through the Phoenix Park yesterday with your vigilant eyes and noticing that the back door of my car hadn’t locked properly with the central locking.

Thank you for alerting me to the fact by opening the door and climbing inside.

Thank you for shimmying over the seats into the front.

Thank you for adjusting my drivers seat to suit your long legs.

Thank you for reminding me that I shouldn’t leave the face of my car radio hidden in the driver car door by taking it for me.

Thank you for reminding me that the radio face does not work without the main body of the radio by taking that too.

Thank you for leaving the wires all tidy and neat and tied up so that I didn’t notice until I’d been sat in the car a couple of minutes.

Thank you for rifling through my glove box and chastising me about *still* having not stuck my toll tag to the windscreen by taking that too.

Thank you for reminding me that I’m not the only one who doesn’t know my way, you took my freebie Fast Fit map from the door pocket too.

Thank you for leaving the chamois sponge with which to wipe my windscreen on the way home, that was nice of you.

Thank you for reminding me gently that the GardaĆ­ in this country are so ineffective that I didn’t even dream of calling them until my travelling companion mentioned it to me.

Most of all thank you for reminding me that no matter what we do, wherever we go, there is always someone watching and waiting, waiting for someone to slip up so they can use it to their own advantage.

I hope your need was greater than mine ever will be.

Thank you Mr. Tea-leaf and happy Christmas to you too.

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